
All things close to my heart

Bryce Canyon – Sightseeing – Day 3

Day 3

This is the best day trip sightseeing plan to cover Bryce National Park’s important viewpoints and enjoy the beautiful Bryce Amphitheater.

Horror Story

In order to understand this story below, please go and check my Day 2 vacation here

We came to our Airbnb after a successful day of vacation. We entered into a horror story of Airbnb. It was too dirty, the floor was dirty with a layer of dust sediments. The cushion on the sofa has some dirty on it and it just was just gross yuck!!! finally, there were hardly any utensils available in the kitchen and even the ones available were dirty. The towel drawer in the kitchen had hair. It took me almost 1 hour just to get the house livable clean. So by the time I went to sleep it was 12.00 am. The worst is we planned to stay here for 3 days !!! again nightmare scenario

Bryce Canyon – Fairyland Viewpoint

We kept the 3rd-day simple to see the viewpoints in Bryce canyon. Our first stop was “Fairyland Point”. On the way to the Fee station right after the park entrance, we missed the left turn on the forest road. It’s a mile road ending at Fairyland Point. The overlook is 100 feet away from the parking lot.

Fairyland Point is a small overlook, and so there are only a few parking spots available and we had to wait a couple of minutes to even park. This was my first time seeing Hoodoos and it was such an impressive array for such an easily accessed viewpoint.

Sunrise Point

Our second viewpoint is Sunrise Point, there were plenty of parking spots but it fills up pretty quickly and we went there twice and both times we had to circle the parking lot couple of times before we got a spot and mind you, we traveled during weekdays and it wasn’t holiday season too. But the Bryce amphitheater view was just breathtaking and completely worth the wait. We tried to walk the rim trail to the sunset viewpoint but my in-laws weren’t able to walk due to severe heat. So we stopped and ended up going back to the car while discussing the next day Navajo Loop trail Hike. My in-laws decided to stay home (Airbnb) with the heat and the descend they preferred not hiking. This is also the starting point for several hiking trails such as queens garden trail, Navajo loop trail which ends in sunset viewpoint that we had planned to do the next day as a family but ended up doing as a couple (just me and Raju)

Bryce Point

I thought the view couldn’t get any better than a sunrise point but I was soo wrong. It is a breathtaking view to admire the magnificent red rock hoodoos and unique grottoes within the natural amphitheater. The moment I went on to the bridge, it took my breath away, Such beauty and I couldn’t capture it with my camera. I kept my phone inside and just enjoyed the view. It was beauty that can only be experienced and indescribable. It was also very windy and cold for the heat we had, it was welcoming but my husband was recalling his experience here when he visited during the winter months.

Yes, it was here my kids hijacked the slingshot and the owner was too sweet to say “No” to these morons. Yes, I indeed try to ask him permission but even before that they made themselves comfortable in the car and I did apologize and dragged the morons away from the car towards the viewpoint.

Paria Viewpoint

It was right across from Bryce Point and the view again is different and beautiful. It’s a 0.3 miles hike but such a beautiful formation all around with lots of greenery. Even though we visited the spot in the middle of the day, it is actually a beautiful place to capture the setting sun rays falling on these tall hoodoos.

As we got back to the car. Sai & Saathu started to get cranky as they starting to feel hungry. So we took a detour to Visitor Center to gain access to running water. We almost always get food from home, eco-friendly and economical. So we all went to the restroom to wash up and then fed both kids, then had our food before we started to the rainbow point.

Rainbow Point

I didn’t think, this could be impressive as I have witnessed Bryce Point. So when I went there I expected it to be simply another one of those namesake viewpoints but nature just showed me how wrong I was and how much I underestimated the strength of nature. This is again a very impressive viewpoint starting from hoodoos to the pine forest and we had a pretty clear day so was able to see 100 miles of view up to the snaking rim of the Pink Cliffs. It’s also one of the highest elevation areas in the park to provide this breathtaking view.

Natural Bridge

As it was mentioned there, this place was aptly named wrong!!! yes, it should have been an arch instead of a bridge as its deep red arch in the southern end of the park right before the rainbow point in the scenic route UT-63 route, It looked wonderful.

Funny story Saathu had another diaper explosion (Yes the first one was yesterday while getting back home from Zion), fortunately, we stopped here and changed his diaper with no water to clean my hands I had to use our filtered drinking water to wash my hands and thanks to 5-gallon water jug that we took towards our sustainable travel. It helped me during this type of gross time several times.

Farview Point

This is my favorite place as it was aptly named because of not just the view but why we could enjoy the view. Here you can look over parts of Bryce Canyon, and also famous features in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. From north to south you can see the Aquarius Plateau (Pink Cliffs), the Kaiparowits Plateau (Grey Cliffs), Molly’s Nipple (White Cliffs), and parts of the Kaibab Plateau on which lies the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

These magnificent views are the results of Bryce Canyon’s extremely high air quality, with visibility as far away as the Black Mesas in Arizona which is impressively 160 miles far away! Navajo Mountain, 90 miles away on the border of Utah and Arizona, can be seen on all but the worst days. While most people enjoyed the view I enjoyed the high-quality air which leads to this beautiful view and how the world would look without human intervention. So this viewpoint touched close to heart with beauty and irony.


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